The fun never stops at KBE and these past few weeks have been no exception! I recently hosted a fun little mixer in the Hampton Court of The London West Hollywood, which showcased the champion of Cupcake Wars as part […]
The fun never stops at KBE and these past few weeks have been no exception! I recently hosted a fun little mixer in the Hampton Court of The London West Hollywood, which showcased the champion of Cupcake Wars as part […]
Aside from picking the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life, picking the wedding venue is the most important decision you will make during the wedding planning process. Your choice of venue will influence […]
Escort cards can be a difficult thing to make unique and interesting. Every single event I find that I struggle with trying to come up with a new way of showing guests where they will be seated for dinner. Try […]
It happened. And it feels really good. Today is the day that California joined the other 12 states who are leading us towards what will hopefully soon be marriage equality for all. Who wouldn’t want this?!? If someone is willing […]
You want to get married. And you want to bring your guests somewhere out of the ordinary. And money…eh, you’re not hurting. The criteria: must be close to home (meaning one flight and a short one at that). Not too […]
Every vacation that starts with an early morning departure should start with a Bloody Mary – in this case it wasn’t until our layover in Houston that we finally got a couple. Commendable, smokey version served at Pappadeux in Terminal […]