We literally threw the ball to the wall, recreating Dodger Stadium itself within Beverly Hills Hotel’s traditional ballroom space. As guests entered for cocktail hour, they were greeted with themed mocktails and cocktails along with a mix of tray-passed thematic bites. They found their seating assignments via a turfed wall of calligraphed baseballs and were invited to get theirs autographed by legendary Dodger, Steve Garvey. Following an hour of mingling the doors to the reception opened and guests walked into a into a ballroom turned Dodger Stadium, inclusive of a completely turfed ballroom floor, a custom “baseball diamond” dance floor, 3 unique tablescapes with a fashion-forward baseball-themed approach to each, a “Dugout” inspired kids buffet, a locker room candy bar, a custom embroidery station for Dodger hats, a batting cage DJ booth, a cake resembling the Dodgers Commissioner Trophy and a stage backsplash fence with balls embedded within the chain link and an oversized version of the host’s own jersey number.
Venue: Beverly Hills Hotel; Photographer: Katie Edwards